Seren Rubens

Seren has been practicing yoga for over a decade, and teaching since 2012.   She weaves intelligent physical alignment with heartfelt intention in a way that invites students to slow down, tune into their bodies, and fall in love with their own wise and wild hearts. Her classes are both challenging and sweet, playful and deep.

Seren found her way to the mat while traveling in India and recovering from a climbing injury. She immediately recognized yoga as a path towards more vitality and joy in her life, and has practiced with devotion ever since. Seren completed her first 200 hour yoga training through Yoga Tree Studio while living in San Francisco, and over 500 hours of additional in depth study with teachers near and dear to her heart, including KK Ledford, Sianna Sherman, Katie Silcox, Chrisandra Fox and Amanda Dozal.

Always a lover of nature and beauty, Seren is inspired by the ocean, dancing, traveling to foreign lands, and the way the stars move through the sky.