Charlotte Pizzella

I was very lucky to come across this practice at a very young age. I was brought to Amanda Serene Dozal and Wild Mountain Yoga at the age of 16, and was deeply struck by the power of the practice. I completed my first teacher training with Amanda in 2015, and have been teaching consistently ever since.

I teach yoga because I love it, and I want to transmit my enthusiasm to our students. I aim to make my classes upbeat, accessible, and fun, while retaining deep reverence to the teachings and holding asana practice in integrity. I find that people come to my class who want to really change their bodies, and I push people to achieve results in their practice by instructing clearly, concisely, and compassionately. I’ve completed over 500 hours of training under the devoted supervision of my dear teacher and mentor, Amanda Serene Dozal. Beginning in 2017 I have also had the privilege to work and study full-time under Kundalini yoga teacher Jai Dev Singh.

In life and in practice, I draw inspiration from the duality between devotion and dark cynicism in Russian literature, the teachings of Yogi Bhajan as shared with me by my mother and later by my teachers, and the linear, disciplined beauty of classical ballet. You can often see me going to and from Hatha classes with my father, who is my practice buddy, or goofily dancing up and down the streets of Nevada City.